How Masonry Tuck Pointing Companies Can Rip Off Customers

When it comes to maintaining the structural integrity and aesthetic appeal of your brick home or investment property, masonry tuck pointing is a crucial process. However, some companies in this industry exploit homeowners and real estate investors by using dubious practices to inflate costs and deliver subpar results. By understanding these tactics, you can avoid […]

The Cons and Pitfalls of Door-to-Door Storm Chasing Canvassers

     Storm chasing canvassers might seem like the cavalry arriving just in time to save your storm-damaged property, but beware—their knock on the door can sometimes spell trouble. Homeowners and property managers need to be aware of the potential downsides and risks associated with these door-to-door service providers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the […]

How to Avoid Being Conned by Building Contractors Switching Materials

                            When embarking on a home improvement project, you have every right to expect that the materials promised by your contractor are exactly what will be used. Unfortunately, not all building contractors play fair. Some may switch materials without notifying you, resulting in […]

Beware of Contractors Who Skip Permits!

Building or renovating your home can be an exciting but stressful process. Choosing the right contractor is crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful project. Unfortunately, some contractors may cut corners, telling you they’ve obtained the necessary building permits when they haven’t. This deception can lead to significant problems for homeowners, property investors, and remodelers. […]

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